Tribunal supremo electoral 2021
Tribunal supremo electoral 2021

tribunal supremo electoral 2021

His actions have therefore undermined democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela, and he has supported and facilitated the undermining of democracy and the rule of law by the executive’s branch. As a member of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court, he is responsible for actions, statements and rulings that have usurped the constitutional powers of the National Assembly and undermined the opposition’s electoral rights including the unilateral appointment by the Supreme Court of the National Electoral Council ( Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE)) in June 2020 and the suspension and unilateral replacement of the leadership of three of the main democratic opposition parties in June and July 2020. Judge of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court ( Tribunal Supremo de Justicia (TSJ)). His actions have therefore undermined democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela. Gutiérrez Parra was expelled from the party by legitimate Acción Democrática members who called his actions conspiracy and betrayal. Gutiérrez Parra changed the position of the party, used its symbols and participated in the elections and public events such as televised debates. In contravention of the party’s position prior to his take over, Gutiérrez Parra participated with Acción Democrática in the non-democratic elections of the National Assembly which took place on 6 December 2020. José Bernabé Gutiérrez Parra gained illegitimate control over opposition party Acción Democrática in June 2020 via a ruling of the Supreme Court. Member of the non-democratically elected National Assembly and illegitimate leader of opposition party Acción Democrática. Therefore opposition members had to organise themselves outside of the premises of the National Assembly to re-elect Juan Guaidó as its President. The election took place while entry of several parliamentarians to the premises of the National Assembly was blocked by military police, and without a quorum being reached.

tribunal supremo electoral 2021

Moreover, as a member of the National Assembly, he participated in the illegitimate election of Luis Eduardo Parra Rivero as the President of the National Assembly on 5 January 2020, thereby undermining democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela. In 2019, he was expelled from Primero Justicia over corruption allegations. Furthermore, José Dionisio Brito Rodríguez illegitimately assumed leadership over opposition party Primero Justicia, due to a decision of the Supreme Court in June 2020. Member of the non-democratically elected National Assembly and chair of the parliamentary commission that investigates the actions perpetrated against the Republic by members of the National Assembly elected in 2015. Moreover, in Zulia State he threatened opposition leaders with house visits and stated to declare Zulia State independent should an interim government lead by Juan Guaidó assume power.

tribunal supremo electoral 2021

Omar José Prieto Fernández actively promoted the non-democratic elections for the National Assembly which took place on 6 December 2020. He was sworn in by the non-recognised National Constituent Assembly (ANC), after the legitimate winner of the election refused to be sworn in by the ANC. In this position he has undermined democracy and the rule of law in Zulia State. Governor of Zulia State since December 2017. Various sources, including the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, attribute human rights violations to FANB and the Bolivarian National Guard. In his position as commander of CEOFANB responsible for serious human rights violations, including the use of excessive force and inhuman and degrading treatment by officials of the FANB and by subordinate forces under his command, including the Bolivarian National Guard. CEOFANB is also responsible for coordinating FANB interventions in demonstrations. CEOFANB controls the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) and the Bolivarian National Guard. Commander of the Operational and Strategic Command of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces of Venezuela ( Comando Estratégico Operacional Fuerzas Armadas Nacionales Bolivarianas (CEOFANB)), the highest organ in the Venezuelan Armed Forces, since June 2017.

Tribunal supremo electoral 2021